Tonight on ABC World News they report the president's jobs plans:
1.Tax Relief: President Obama will propose tax relief incentives for companies that create jobs and hire new workers. 2.Infrastructure Investment: The president wants the government to invest in clean energy and new construction projects to build schools and transportation. 3.Assistance for Long Term Unemployed: Obama wants to help those who have been out of work for six months or more, which adds up to about 6 million Americans. Specifically the president is looking at a program such as Georgia Works – which gives unemployed Americans eight weeks of training at a local company while allowing them to still collect their unemployment benefits. And it’s no cost to the participating company
Tax cuts for companies that create jobs or hire new workers has been tried but I suppose more can't hurt.
The plan for jobs that is listed on ABC doesn't seem to be anymore than what's been talked about previously I'm afraid.
What the administration should do is look at our most recent and current disasters the nation has experienced and access the damages and problems they created for the nation each time. The anniversary of 9/11 is very near, the administration should include the problems we encountered during that attack as well.
The question to ask is, what were the major problems during those events? The things that come to my mind are:
Power grid outages.Six huge projects that will not only fixed or improve our infrastructure for future generations and their disasters, these projects will create millions of 'long term' jobs along the way.Communication failures.
Bridges collapsing.
Levies breaking.
Roads sinking or buckling.
Water systems malfunctioning.
The administration should have an infomercial instead of just another speech made by one man behind a podium. Picture this:
Representatives from each of the above infrastructure areas standing behind the president. The president makes a short speech saying something about it being time for a long term solution for our lack of jobs problem. He could say that each representative behind him has experienced disasters on both sides of the nation. Then, each representative walks up to the podium after being introduced by the President and presents his/her case to the American public about the difficulties they had experienced during past disasters. They should express their frustrations and inform the nation of the amount of people their area were either endangered or inconvienced during these disasters.
After each presents their case the president steps forward and says. This is not just a event driven problem it's a nation wide everyday problem.
I will be presenting to Congress a long term solution for our lack of jobs in our country. We will REBUILD AMERICA. We will REBUILD the nation's infrastructure for future generations!
Just as John F. Kennedy declared years ago that we'd be the first on the moon, I say, lets get to work by preparing our future generations with new and improved infrastructure.