MACON, Ga. -- Republican Newt Gingrich told a Georgia audience on Friday evening that the 2012 presidential election is the most consequential since the 1860 race that elected Abraham Lincoln to the White House and was soon followed by the Civil War.For once I have to agree with Newt Gingrich.Addressing the Georgia Republican Party's convention, Gingrich said the nation is at a crossroads and that the re-election of Democratic President Barack Obama would lead to four more years of "radical left-wing values" that would drive the nation to ruin.
Gingrich also blasted Obama as "the most successful food stamp president in modern American history."
Yes, this is one of the most consequential races ever and yes it means we either go for more Democratic Party values such as the following:
Work toward more Government surplusesTax cuts for those who need them
Affordable health care access for all
Medicare and Social Security there for our seniors and handicap
Better and easier access to education and the American dream
Provide for lower and middle class Americans
Keeping our nation secure and finding the guilty (Bin Laden)
Diversity and fairness
Safe environment
Safety in workplace
Well supplied police/fire departments
Right to choose and let everyone serve our nation if they choose to
Or we go for extreme right (Republican) values:
Deficits and hidden budgets (cost of war)Money for Wall Street and wealthy
Tax cuts for the wealthy and oil companies
Cuts in Medicare and Social Security
Cuts in education
A more dangerous environment
Another possible 9/11
More invasions into other nations
Cuts to police/fire departments
Send a woman to jail if she aborts
Torturing of prisoners
Outing of CIA agents
Cuts in transportation
No unemployment checks for long term use
And yes Newt, because of the way the extreme right wing Republican Party ran the nation into a near Great Depression between 2001 and 2008 Americans found themselves without jobs and sometimes without food and in need of food stamps during 2007-2011.
At least with the Democratic Party and Barack Obama as our president, there will be food stamps for the poor, I can't say the same if the Republicans were to take control of our government again.
While I'm on the subject, I also cannot guarantee they'd even have a home to live in because they'd most likely lose their unemployment checks because the republicans refused to extend them or because they once again let Wall Street and banks abuse the system and therefore Americans