The Obama administration will soon be going full blown into their re-election campaign. I've come up with a few suggestions. The biggest being -- get the facts OUT! Quit assuming Americans know what you've done -- tell them and repeat repeat repeat!
The following are my suggestions for the Obama campaign:
President Obama and his re-election campaign committee -- have an informercial with several business owners coming forth and tell viewers that they've gotten several taxcuts or tax incentives to hire more workers. They might also point out how many they've hired since those incentives were passed.
The facts must be told. Who came up with those tax breaks and who fought for them during budget deals?
Another suggestion would be to find homeowners that had their homes saved by the administration's foreclosure program.
As for the war in Afhganistan -- none other than Defense Secretary Gates tells it best. As my previous video says, we didn't actually get into this war until 2009 when President Obama decided to send in a surge of troops, which didn't all get there till the summer of 2010. The real war in Afghanistan (not Bush/Cheney's "Mission Accomplished" one) has only been going on for two years. The Obama administration wants to truly reach the goal of --Mission Accomplished.
In addition to all this, they should have the CBO report what programs the Democratic Party has passed since 2009 that have created or saved jobs and what programs the Republican Party has passed since taking control of the House last November that created or saved jobs.
Last but not least, the campaign should have a group of historians on to explain how this Great Recession was different than any other aside from the one before the Great Depression. They should point out that using the normal historical measures as who was re-elected and who was not would be inaccurate. Using the normal unemployment figures is not only wrong it's unfair.